B.C.A Industry Integrated (HTC Global) Specialization in Cyber Security
- B.C.A Industry Integrated (HTC Global) Specialization in Cyber Security
About the Programme
The convergence of Academia and Industry plays a vital role in the growth of education and student community. B.C.A Industry Integrated (HTC Global) Specialization in Cyber Security is a collaborative programme offered by HITS and HTC Global.The programme enables HTC Global teach curriculum prescribed by HITS and other additional trainings to the IC-BCA students during their entire final year, and other programmes as discussed time to time, to upskill them towards the industry requirement. Specialization in Cyber Security will provide a deepengaging learning experience with interesting real-world applications. Also, it aims at a better understanding of protecting one’s data from cyber-attacks with proper risk management and mitigation. The B.C.A Programme with specialization in Cyber Security will have professional Core Courses from Computer Applications and Electives Courses in Cyber Security which are exclusively designed by Industry Experts and Academic Experts.
Salient Features
- Provides Industry collaborated Bachelor of Computer Applications (IC-BCA) programme for students.
- Develops skills in Cyber Forensics and Ethical hacking, various Cyber Security Tools and Secured Coding.
- Equips students with abroad, fundamental skills in Cyber Security and insists to apply those techniques in practice.
- Focuses on specific Research/Project areas identified through HTC Global Experts and HITS.
- Assists in Training and Projects during final year.
- Cyber Security Manager
- Security Specialist
- Security Analyst and Engineer
- Forensic Expert
- Penetration Tester
- Security Director
Duration : 3 Years