B.Sc. Physician Assistant
- Allied & Health Sciences
- B.Sc. Physician Assistant
About the Programme
A physician's assistant (PA) is an integral part of healthcare service. Working with a supervising physician, the PA plays a key role in offices, hospitals and care facilities across the country.With the support of the delegating physician, PAs provide preventative healthcare as well as therapeutic and diagnostic services. This programme is a precursor to pursue M.Sc., Ph.D., and other higher education pursuits.
- The students will undergo diverse training in various areas of making treatment plans, procedures and coordinating between Doctors and patients.
- Assessment skills, sound judgment skills, self- confidence and decision-making necessary in aparamedical profession.
- Inculcating various soft skills and building the students calibre with compassion, emotional stability, boldness and hardworking tendencies.
- Various techniques for enhancing the observation, communication, motor-sensory function, social and intellectual abilities.
Employment Sector/Industry for Physician Assistant
- Private and Government Hospitals.
- Diagnostic Centres.
- Health Care Centre.
- Emergency Care Units.
- Educational services.
- Nursing Homes.
Physician's assistants work as:
- Clinical Advisors
- Clinical Services Managers
- Emergency Room Physician Assistants
- Infection Control Specialists
- Rural Area Practitioners
- Surgical Assistants
Duration: 3 Years with an Internship