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HITSEEE 2024   I    Issue of Application Form - December 16th 2023   I    Last date for Application Form - April 29th 2024   I    Entrance Examination - May 03rd to May 10th 2024   I    Publication of Rank List - May 13th 2024   I   Counselling dates - May 22nd to May 29th 2024
Artificial Intelligence

Specialization in Artificial Intelligence

  • Specialization in Artificial Intelligence

About the Course

M. Tech. in Artificial Intelligence will provide the students with an opportunity to learn both foundational and experimental components of AI and Machine Learning. The program will open various career opportunities involving innovation and problem solving using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies as well as research careers in AI and ML.

Salient Features

This program will provide students an opportunity to learn both foundational and experimental components of AI and Machine Learning. A student completing this program will be able to undertake industry careers involving innovation and problem solving using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies and research careers in AI, ML, and, in general, Computer Science areas. Along with courses that provide specialization in AI, students will also have option to explore some applied domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and software analysis.


The course will enable students to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Inference Engines, Speech, Vision, Natural Language Understanding, Robotics, and Human Computer Interaction.
  • Unify the knowledge of human cognition, AI, Machine Learning and data engineering for designing systems.
  • Demonstrate hands-on knowledge of state-of-the-art AI tools for real-world problem-solving.
  • Ability to develop real-time and robust AI-based systems with specific software, hardware and data requirements.
  • Build solutions to explore fully immersive computer-generated worlds (in VR), and overlay computer graphics onto our view of our immediate environment (AR) along with smart, cognitive functionality.
  • Demonstrate advanced skills to comprehend and communicate effectively.
  • Carry out projects using intelligent cognitive solutions provided by AI algorithms to get more insights in stakeholder management, risk modeling, intelligent resource scheduling and managing project constraints with intelligent use of data models.


Possible opportunities for graduates include roles in AI such as Computer Scientist, Robotic Scientist, Game Programmer, Software Engineer or as Developer for AI machines which are used in game playing, speech recognition, language detection, computer vision, expert systems and robotics.

May even go for pursuing higher studies in AI or go for doctorate degree.

Duration : 2 Years