Specialization in Data Science and Engineering
- Specialization in Data Science and Engineering
About the Course
The major goal of this course is to impart knowledge on techniques and theories related to data science which includes statistics, data mining, data warehousing and data visualization. The main goal of data science and engineering is to make the data management easier for others so that finding and coalescing the data can be done with greater ease.
Salient Features
This course will be useful to students to develop and deploy their skills to achieve a thorough knowledge in data science and engineering. Some of these are the ability to aggregate, interpret and manage large amount of heterogeneous data resources independent of the hardware and software resources. This course consists of the following modules to be learnt as compulsory electives along with core subjects of computer science and engineering.
- Data Mining & Warehousing.
- Machine Learning.
- Data Analytics & Visualisation.
- Hadoop Administration.
- Geospatial information management.
The course will enable students to:
- apply statistics and computational analysis for data to make predictions.
- implement data mining techniques even on large set of data for clustering, classification and ranking of data.
- apply evolutionary computing techniques to create an intelligent data management system.
- use data analytics tools for big data analysis and generate the expected or appropriate reports using visualization tools.
- use python programming language to clean and process the data.
- implement data intensive computing techniques using cloud infrastructure.
There is a big demand for analytics, data mining and data science professionals in near future. This course will enable the students to develop their skill sets and competencies of data scientists as they play main role in competitive intelligence which is a newly emerging field that encompasses data mining and analysis. This programme offers students an in-depth education experience to focus on data science as it pertains to their unique interests. As part of this course the students can do industry interaction and take up research activities in the data science field.
Duration : 2 Years