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HITSEEE 2024   I    Issue of Application Form - December 16th 2023   I    Last date for Application Form - April 29th 2024   I    Entrance Examination - May 03rd to May 10th 2024   I    Publication of Rank List - May 13th 2024   I   Counselling dates - May 22nd to May 29th 2024
About Us

Eco friendly measures at Hindustan University

There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support Response:

HITS aims to provide conducive environment to foster knowledge amongst students and research scholars alike while helping the faculty and non-teaching staff to excel in their profession. While academics becomes the sword arm in this endeavour. Policies such as zero litter policy, no spitting policy, no smoking policy, which relate to public cleanliness and hygiene are strictly enforced as well. To efficiently and effectively implement the above policies, the Administration Department consists of the following functional divisions. Highest importance is given to Plumbing, Electrical, Water & Sanitation, and Air-conditioning . In each of these major portfolios, we have created specialized teams for immediate first response and action so that dependency on external agencies is minimized. All buildings are periodically inspected and painted fresh. The electricity department is equipped to ensure 24 x 7 continuous power supply with generators and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) units as fail-over backup. The dual dimensions of Water and Sanitation are to ensure safe drinking water with the help of fully serviced Reverse Osmosis (RO) filters and an environmentally friendly zero waste water recycling system consisting of the three sewerage treatment plants. This recycled water feeds into maintaining the vast and lush greenery of the campus. HITS also ensures a zero waste campus with its staff ensuring complete conversion of food waste garden waste into compost to be utilized for Gardens and Farms. Central Air Conditioning is selectively provided through well-maintained chiller plants, Air Handling Units (AHU), and ducts. Well-staffed housekeeping division is responsible for cleanliness and hygiene in all the facilities within the buildings such as classrooms, laboratories, offices, libraries, as well as bathrooms. The horticulture and gardening division is responsible for tree plantation and their maintenance. Approximately 100 trees are planted every year with a survival of 92 – 95%. l. The football grounds, cricket pitches, running tracks, are inspected for weather related degradation such as water logging, weeds, dry and dusty soil, and corrective measures are taken immediately. Campus clinics, ambulances and doctors are always available and medical facilities are regularly maintained throughout the year. The security is enforced by a squad who are trained to be firm but courteous in their engagement with the campus community. The transport division is entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining a large fleet of buses, cars, ambulances, vans. For this purpose, professionally staffed in-house service centers ensure the timely maintenance of all vehicles so that they are in excellent operative condition. Computer software and hardware maintenance are performed by trained engineers and technicians who form the Information & Communications Technology Services (ICTS) division of the University. ICTS, through its policies for maintenance, regular backup, system failover, disaster recovery, etc. ensures uninterrupted access to all information and network services. ICTS also handles maintenance of Audio-Visual equipment which includes projectors, Public Address systems, lecture capturing systems, etc.