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HITSEEE 2024   I    Issue of Application Form - December 16th 2023   I    Last date for Application Form - April 29th 2024   I    Entrance Examination - May 03rd to May 10th 2024   I    Publication of Rank List - May 13th 2024   I   Counselling dates - May 22nd to May 29th 2024

Tribute to Our Founder

Late Dr.K.C.G. Verghese

The popular Chinese proverb states, "If you are planning for a year, sow rice, if you are planning for a decade, plant trees, if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people." This sums up the entire philosophy of the time and life of Dr. K. C. G. Verghese, a visionary, who built the entire edifice of the Hindustan Group of Institutions. His profound qualities of enthusiasm, perseverance, vision and live networking created a springboard for many aspirants to mould their careers.

Dr. K. C. G. Verghese, though born in an ordinary middle class family in Kerala, by dint of his hard work, rose to one of the top-ranking educationists.

He held on to his dreams and converted them into reality. His relentless work drove him to success. He was the pioneer to promote technical education in our country. He helped the students explore their own potential. He made them realize that education, hard work and commitment to the nation are the only means to get themselves employable and overcome poverty.

He firmly believed, "Every human being has infinite potential. The role of an educator is to bring out the best in every individual and that of an educational institution to provide the best facilities and the right ambience." The Hindustan Group of Institutions caters to over 5000 students. It has an amazing staff strength of almost a 1000 and has a scintillating alumni of over 50,000 students. These are the testimonies of his deep-rooted desire to fulfill his aspirations. He was a true patriot and he always advised the youngsters to serve their own country.

His penchant for 'Wheels and Wings' made him adventurous all through his life and his indomitable spirit always rose to the occasion and facilitated him to lead from the front. His personality had all the nuances of a great human being. He valued friendship and showed great respect, love and concern to his teachers, his family members and parents in equal measure.

The best tribute we can ever offer this architect of the Hindustan Group of Institutions could be to emulate his ideals and work toward realizing his dreams. Let his vision, "TO MAKE EVERY MAN A SUCCESS AND NO MAN A FAILURE," inspire us to follow in his footsteps. God chose his company on Valentine's Day. This adorable and affable human being will be remembered by all of us on this day, year after year as V-day, the Verghese Day.
