M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
- M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
About the Course
The Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering programme aims at equipping the graduates, with advanced conceptual knowledge, technical skills and ability to pursue research in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, appropriate to the present ICT scenario. Apart from the core courses, the student may choose electives depending on his/her interests.
For more details on faculty, infrastructure and projects, please visit https://cse.hindustanuniv.ac.in/
To excel in Computer Science and Engineering education, research and project management by empowering the students with strong conceptual knowledge.
- To educate the students with basic foundation blocks of core and allied disciplines of Computer Science and Engineering.
- To provide practical skills in the advancements of the Computer Science and Engineering field required for the growing dynamic IT and ITES industries. CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS M.TECH - COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
- To sculpt strong personal, technical, research, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills.
- To inculcate knowledge in lifelong learning, professional ethics and contribution to the society.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
The program is expected to enable the students to:
- PEOI: Excel in their professional career by applying advanced knowledge and/orpursue higher education including research by applying the knowledge of ComputerScience and Engineering.
- PEOII: To provide practical skills in the advancements of the Computer Science and Engineering field required for the growing dynamic IT and ITES industries. Curriculum and Syllabus M.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering.
Program Outcomes (Aligned with Graduate Attributes) (PO)
At the end of this program, graduates will be able to:
- POI: Scholarship of knowledge: Acquire in-depth knowledge of specific discipline orprofessional area, including wider and global perspective, with an ability todiscriminate, evaluate, analyses and synthesize existing and new knowledge, andintegration of the same for enhancement of knowledge.
- POII: TCritical Thinking: Analyze complex engineering problems critically, apply independent Judgment for synthesizing information to make intellectual and/or creativeadvances for conducting research in a wider, theoretical, practical and policycontext.
- POIII: Problem Solving: Think laterally and originally, conceptualize and solveengineering problems, evaluate a wide range of potential solutions for those andarrive at feasible, optimal solutions after considering public health and safety,cultural, societal and environmental factors in the core areas of expertise.
- POIV: Research Skill: Extract information pertinent to unfamiliar problems through literaturesurvey and experiments, apply appropriate research methodologies, techniquesand tools, design, conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, demonstratehigher order skill and view things in a broader perspective, contributeindividually / in group(s) to the development of scientific of scientific /technological knowledge in one or more domains of engineering.
- POV: Usage of modern tools: Create, select, learn, and apply appropriate techniques,resources, and engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, tocomplex engineering activities with an understanding of thelimitations.
- POVI: Collaborative and multidisciplinary work: Process knowledge and understanding ofgroup dynamics, recognize opportunities and contribute positively to collaboratemultidisciplinary scientific research, demonstrate a capacity for self-managementand teamwork, decision—making based on open-mindedness, objectivity andrational analysis in order to achieve common goals and further the learning ofthemselves as well as others.
- POVII: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding ofengineering and management principles and apply the same one’s own work,as a member and leader in a team, manage projects efficiently in respectivedisciplines and multidisciplinary environments after consideration of economic and financial factors.
- POVIII: Communication: Communicate with engineering community, and with society atlarge, regarding complex engineering activities confidentially an effectively, suchas, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and designdocumentation by adhering to appropriate standards, make effective presentations,and give and receive clear instructions.
- POIX: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and abilityto engage in life-long learning independently, with a high level of enthusiasmand commitment to improve knowledge and competence continuously.
- POX: Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility: Acquire professional and intellectualintegrity, professional code of conduct, ethics of research and scholarship,consideration of the impact of research outcomes on professional practices and anunderstanding of responsibility to contribute to the community for sustainabledevelopment of society.
- POX1: Independent and Reflective Learning: Observe and examine critically theoutcomes of one’s actions and make corrective measures subsequently, and learnfrom mistakes without depending on external feedback
The program is expected to enable the students to:
- PSO1: Posses knowledge in Advanced Operating System, Advance Data Base Technology,Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms for analyzing and the solving complexproblem.
- PSO2: Acquire the skill set especially in Data Science and Engineering,Software Engineering and Information Security.
- PSO3: Solve complex problems through innovative system design using modern toolsand techniques
Salient Features
- The curriculum is oriented towards research and solutions to real life problems
- Students have the flexibility to choose the electives from a wide range of courses as per their interest and current trends in technologies
- Students are provided with extensive hands on practical exposure on a wide range of software tools and hardware on subjects relating to the curriculum as well as current needs of the industry.
- Internship and MOOC are part of the curriculum.
Eligibility Criteria
B.E/ B.Tech Degree in CSE / ECE / EEE / EIE/IT, MCA, M.Sc in IT/CS, AMIE or other equivalent degree.
- The Master's in Computer Science and Engineering programme offers to learn advance level and research oriented courses in computer science and engineering The discipline course covered are advance level Networking, Data Structure Algorithms, Advanced Data Base Technologies, Computer Architecture, Distributed Computing and Computational Intelligence.
- The course M. Tech., in CSE with specialization in Data Science and Engineering offers courses to equip graduates to became Data Scientists who can conceptualize, design, analyze and develop computer software to process and analyze big data. The courses covered in this program are intelligent systems, computer vision, Big data Analytics, Data Visualization techniques and Data classification methods. This specialization has high demand in various private and non private industry, government and non-government organizations. There is lot of employment opportunity for Data Scientist, Data Engineering and analytics
- The students investigate complex problems through research and use appropriate modern engineering tools to find solutions using the well-equipped Deep Learning Centers with the IBM NVIDIA tools to build scientific models and simulations
- The students have the opportunity to select the high quality online courses MOOC course on their choice outside the curriculum and out for their Interest.
- Internships are offered to enable the PG students to gain valuable work and research experience there have the opportunity to do internships at National Informatics Centre, HTC Global Services and CSIR and other reputed organizations.
- Students can do additional courses/projects in foreign university through semester exchange programme to Multimedia University, Malaysia, Yildiz Technical University(YTU), Turkey.
- All PG students have the opportunity to publish their research work and projects in reputed Journals and Conferences
- On successful completion of the course the students are hired in industry, academia, public service, research, business, commercial organizations, manufacturing sector, etc. The average annual salary offered to such postgraduates ranges between INR 5-15 Lakhs. Some Industries to mention are Infosys, Amazon, HTC, etc.,
- The students can pursue research program either in India or in abroad.
Duration : 2 Years