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HITSEEE 2024   I    Issue of Application Form - December 16th 2023   I    Last date for Application Form - April 29th 2024   I    Entrance Examination - May 03rd to May 10th 2024   I    Publication of Rank List - May 13th 2024   I   Counselling dates - May 22nd to May 29th 2024
About Us

Placements & Training Center

  • About the Department
  • Message from the Head
  • Placement & Training Team
  • Training process at HITS
  • Placement process at HITS
  • Training & Placement Policy
  • Placement Summary
  • Our Recruiters
  • Stduent Testimonials
  • Contact

About the Department

"Placement is a measure of success of a graduation and sets a Trajectory for a career"

The Department of Placement at HINDUSTAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE (HITS) acts as a connecting hub for the company and the students who want to serve in industry. It mainly focuses on the activities that enhances our student's employability and career development.

The department takes care of the following activities such as

  • Skill-gap identification
  • Skill based Grading of students
  • Preplacement training
  • Training assessments
  • Conducting Mock Interviews
  • Skill upgradations
  • Career Research & Analysis
  • Corporate Relationship for Industry Institution interaction such as enabling consultancy services, Tech-Talk, Project based learning, industrial projects, Industry Visits, In-plant Trainings and Internships.
  • Career Guidance for Higher education and entrepreneurial &Start-up activities

To guide and connect eligible & employable students with the suitable industry to choose their career option after nurturing and fostering technical and life skills.


Identifying the prospective companies for recruiting the students through Campus Placements.

Appraising the students about the job description, eligibility criteria and selection process of the visiting company for campus recruitment. Arranging recruitment drives in the campus.

Continuous follow up with the company for onboarding, collecting feedback about the performance on the job.

  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements
  • placements

Message from the Head

Placement officer KavithaVijayaraghavan
Head - Placement & Training

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
– Napoleon Hill

In the rapidly changing business environment today, it has become perilous for organizations to continuously change and evolve for success. The Changing paradigms have made obligatory for an academic institution to foster a new breed of professionals – individuals equipped with the right kind of knowledge, technical skills, ability to think out of the box and innovation. The industry expectations have gone higher and only those who have the right attitude & skills to accept challenges endure and upsurge the performance ladder each day. The education system of the University provides the right training in perfect blend with the moral values to ensure that the students not only become successful professionals but also come out as exceptional human beings with rich values. The value added programs offered at the University enhance the ‘employability' of the students and make them facilitators of transformation. It is for this reason that leading corporates consider HITS as a preferred recruitment partner.

Training & Placement is a process that starts; the moment a student takes admission in a specific program and ends with the final placement and absorption of the student in a given company. The process doesn't end here. What also sets us apart is our ability to allow the students to explore a diverse set of functions, roles and career paths. The only objective of HITS has been creating knowledge, influencing management practices and global integration. The institute places special emphasis on inculcating corporate values and skills required for complex decision-making, besides developing superior expertise on functional domains and garnering business knowledge.

At HITS, we nurture inquisitive, enterprising and probing outlook of students. The rich learning environment and the rigorous and comprehensive academic programs offered by Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science empower the students to become leaders in their respective fields.

Placements & Training Team

Sl. No Name Designation Department Email ID
1 Mr. S. Eswaran Coordinator - Training & Placement Placement placementoffice@hindustanuniv.ac.in
2 Ms. Sasikala Rajesh Manager - Training & Placement Training training@hindustanuniv.ac.in
3 Dr. Krushna Gouda ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SG) Aeronautical krushnag@hindustanuniv.ac.in
4 Dr. Prabakaran B ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SELECTION GRADE) Automobile prabakkaran@hindustanuniv.ac.in
5 Mr. M. Rajesh ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Mechanical mrajesh@hindustanuniv.ac.in
6 Dr. Nakendra Kumar ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Mechatronics rsnkumar@hindustanuniv.ac.in
7 Dr. B. Mathiarasi ASST. PROFESSOR CSE mathiarasib@hindustanuniv.ac.in
8 Ms. Remya ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IT remyak@hindustanuniv.ac.in
9 Mr. V. Beslin Geo ASST. PROFESSOR(SENIOR SCALE) ECE vbeslin@hindustanuniv.ac.in
10 Dr. Nageswararao Kudithi ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SENIOR SCALE) EEE nageswarak@hindustanuniv.ac.in
11 Dr.R.Govindarajan ASSISTANTPROFESSOR(SELECTIONGRADE) Chemical rgovind@hindustanuniv.ac.in
12 Mr. V. Prabhu ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SENIOR SCALE) Civil vprabhu@hindustanuniv.ac.in
13 Ms. S. Veena ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SELECTION GRADE) BBA sveena@hindustanuniv.ac.in
14 Mr. Jaishankar ASST. PROFESSOR B.Com  
15 Ms. Sophia Janel ASST. PROFESSOR BCA & MCA rsophia@hindustanuniv.ac.in
16 Ms. Nirmala   B.Sc (Viscom) tnirmala@hindustanuniv.ac.in
17 Mr. R.J.T. Nirmalraj ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (SELECTION GRADE) MBA rjtnirmal@hindustanuniv.ac.in
18 Ms. Aarthee. M ASST. PROFESSOR B.Arch aartheem@hindustanuniv.ac.in
19 Ms. Malathy Aravindan ASST. PROFESSOR B.Sc(Food Tech) malathys@hindustanuniv.ac.in

Training process at HITS

Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science recognizes the contribution students make to its success. It also recognizes that in order to improve the employability of the students, it needs to ensure that there is adequate training and development provided for all students.

The purpose of the department is to ensure that:

  • Students are properly trained in the skills they need to carry out the jobs which are acceptable to the University and its customers.
  • Students are provided with the skills they may need for changes in the way jobs are carried out.

As far as possible, students are encouraged to develop their skills and talents to enable them to progress within the University and reach their full potential. The University is committed to making the most effective use of the talents, skills and abilities of its students and to helping all students maximize the contribution they can make.

Opportunities for training will be based on an assessment of student’s development needs, irrespective of their gender, age, disability, race, colour, ethnic or national origin or sexual orientation.

Training Plan:
Semester Programme Title Duration of the Programme Batch Resource Person
Semester - 1 Orientation 2 days (16 hrs) All Students Traning& Placement Dept
Awareness Campaign 3 hrs All Students Domain Specific Resource person
3 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) All Students BEC / External Communication Trainers
Semester - 2 Preassessment on Communication skills - Categorization
Communication skills Training to be continued
Post Assessment (after completion of training)
Certification with grading
3 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) All Students BEC / External Communication Trainers
Awareness Campaign (Career Guidance) 3 hrs All Students Domain Specific Resource person
Semester - 3 Aptitude - I
Assessment (after completion of training)
4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) Eligible students (0,1,2 arrears) External Training Partner / Dedicated Inhouse Trainer
Technical Training 4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table)
Awareness Campaign (Career Guidance) 3 hrs
Semester - 4 Aptitude - II
Assessment (after completion of training)
Certification with grading
4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) External Training Partner / Dedicated Inhouse Trainer
Awareness Campaign (Career Guidance) 3 hrs
Technical Training 4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table)  
Semester - 5 Technical Training 4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) External Trainers/ Alumni
Aptitude - III 2 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) External Training Partner / Dedicated Inhouse Trainer
Communication skills & Soft skills 2 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table)
Assessment - 1 1 day (3 hrs) AMCAT
Awareness Campaign (Career Guidance) 3 hrs Domain Specific Resource person
Semester 6 Technical Training 4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) External Trainers/ Alumni
Assessment - 2 1 day (3 hrs) AMCAT
Communication skills & Soft skills 2 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table)  
Awareness Campaign (Career Guidance) 3 hrs Domain Specific Resource person
Semester 7 Assessment 3 (Domain knowledge) 1 day (3 hrs) AMCAT
Technical Training
Certification with grading
4 hrs per week (Interspersed in Time Table) External Trainers/ Alumni
Semester 8 Company Specific Training Depends upon the requirement External Training Partner

Placement process at HITS

The following steps are involved in the HITS placement process

  • The Campus recruitment for the final year students starts from the month of July every year.
  • A calendar for the recruitment drives is released well before the commencement of the first drive.
  • Based on the calendar or schedule the drive dates along with eligibility criteria, Job Description, location, salary and other details will be released through a circular.
  • Eligible & Interested students will register for the drive through online registration portal.
  • Registered students will be called for an orientation meeting to identify the readiness of the students
  • Based on the need boot camps would be arranged to train the students just before
  • A day before or on the same day a pre-placement talk is arranged for the registered students to know more about the company through the same company personal.
  • Finally, the recruitment drive will be initiated as per the company norms
  • The results will be published after the completion of the drive through email.
Click to view Schematic Sketch for Training& Placement

Training & Placement Policy


The purpose of theTraining & Placement policyis to define the overall structure & process of skill acquisition programmes and the Placement/Internship drives facilitated by Training & Placement office and to structure the roles & responsibilities of the students.

The policy will ensure that

  • The students will get ample / multiple placement opportunities
  • All eligible students shall get the fair opportunity to participate in the Placement/Internship drives
  • Core company placement
  • opportunities for eligible students
  • The entire placement process is streamlined.
  • A student opted for Placement should attend the regular trainings on Communication, Aptitude, Technical and Company Specific training programs organised by HITS
  • Students shall compulsorily attend training and 90% attendance is mandatory. This gives the eligibility to appear for placements.
  • Based on the requirement the individual department may also organise training programmes on specific domain based topics. Such trainings shall be brought to the office of the Department of Training and Placement.
  • The students must practise the training courses given through the portal or otherwise and better equip themselves with the knowledge and skills required.

The placement office shall arrange on and off campus drives of reputed organisations for the students in all identified sectors.

The students registering for campus drives shall attend the campus drive mandatorily.

Consecutive absence for two drives shall lead to disqualification from attending future drives.

Consecutive failure in 3 drives shall lead to disqualification from Placements.

For the preference of the placement offer to the students the following categories are identified

Categories of Companies:
  • Super Dream: With packages higher than 7 lakhs per annum
  • Dream:With Packages higher than 4.5 lakhs per annum. Core companies are also treated as Dream companies regardless of salary packages
  • Regular: Recruit in large numbers across all branches of engineering for IT application development, maintenance and testing roles with packages less than 4.5 lakhs per annum
Rules regarding offers made
  • Any offer made by a company to a student will have to be accepted by the student and will be out of placement process except as detailed below.
  • A student receiving an offer from a Super Dream company is out of all further placement procedure/formalities and cannot participate in the process of any other company
  • A student receiving an offer from a Dream Company, Core Company or an IT product company becomes ineligible to participate in any other process.
  • Students who receive an offer from only an IT services company can participate in two future Super Dream, Dream companies.
  • Students who receive offer from more than one company in Day 1 have to choose their preferred company within 2 days of the end of Day 1
  • Any communication to the industry by a student should go through only the Placement office
  • ***The student should accept the offer made by the organisation
  • ***Exceptions can be given based on the request from the students and requirements /opportunities from the organisations
Invitation Process
  • Campus Placement Process to commence in the month of July.
  • Super Dream and Dream Companies are invited to be part of the process in the months of July and August known as Day 0
  • Top IT Services recruiters (recruiting large numbers) are invited to conduct their processes in the month of August / September in a single slot simultaneously known as Day 1
  • Other IT Services recruiters are invited to participate after September
  • Core companies are to be invited after October with a few exceptions
  • The individual dates within Day 0 and Day 1 are allotted based on Job Designations, Salary Packages, Student Perception and Past Relationship with the organisation
  • Companies with significantly higher salary packages and looking to recruit in numbers will be offered earlier dates in Day 0
  • Companies visiting the campus continuously for the past three years will be offered preferential dates
  • Companies who have Centres of Excellence/ Incubation Centres, will be given preferential dates
Details of the process
  • Every participating organisation shares their job profile, designation, eligibility branches and compensation package with Placement office well in advance along with eligibility criteria.
  • All the eligible students who are interested in the role offered have to apply through placement portal to attend the process
  • Only those students who have applied for the company and meet the eligibility are allowed to participate in the process.
  • Students who become eligible between the calling of interest and date of recruitment can send a mail to Placement office
  • Any eligible student who has indicated interest but does not attend the selection process will become ineligible for further placement. Exemptions will be decided by the Placement Office based on the merits of the case.
  • Departments shall help the placement department with leads / threads for specific core and IT sectors

All the placement coordinators of the department must meet the Head Placement and training at least once in 15 days in person and discuss issues related to training and placements.

If the students have specific request or raise concerns regarding training and placements procedure, they can approach the Department Placement coordinator, Head of Department and resolve the issues in coordination with the office of placement


Academic Year UG 5Yrs-Arch/Planning UG 4Yrs-Engineering UG 3Yrs-SLAAS PG 2Yrs-Engg PG 2Yrs-MBA PG 2 & 3Yrs-MCA Overall students strength Overall Placed students Placement
Strength Nos Placed Median Strength Nos Placed Median Salary(LPA) Strength Nos Placed Salary(LPA) Strength Nos Placed Salary(LPA) Strength Nos Placed Median Salary(LPA) Strength Nos Placed Salary(LPA)
2021-22 40 27 2.3 1174 954 4 270 193 3 23 16 4.2 97 84 4.5 39 29 4 1643 1303 79.31
2020-21 102 95 3.5 1316 1032 4.5 372 220 3 28 20 4.5 120 105 4.5 32 23 2.9 1970 1495 75.89
2019-20 94 76 4 877 619 3.3 251 178 2.8 68 46 3.5 110 91 3.25 29 18 3.5 1429 1028 71.94
Placement Chart

Our Recuriters



Students Testimonials

AvinashHindustan Institute of Technology and Science is what I believe to be the personification of the phrase “A land of opportunities”. It is where I had the courage to not only explore the field of Computer Science thanks to the incredible professors and faculty members from the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, but also discover myself with the co-curricular opportunities, which helped me in my personality development.

The sum total of all learnings from my experiences in Hindustan and with the help of the Department of Placement and Training, I was granted the opportunity to join Eurofins IT Solutions India as an Associate Software Engineer. I am and shall always be grateful to the Dept. of Computer Science, Department of Placement and Training and the various other departments I have had the honor to work with, which all lead to this opportunity of a lifetime.

Avinash Mallick
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Placed with Eurofins IT Solutions as Associate Software Engineer

BhumaHindustan has always been a second home for me, ever since I first joined the college It always thought me useful lessons in life. Apart from education, which is already up to the mark, Hindustan always focused on strengthening student’s social life, practical skills and promoted exchanges between students from all around the world. The relation between the students and the faculty of the campus is something that cannot be looked off. The faculty supported the students in almost the all the ways within in their reach and always been a good friends to them. The Department of Automobile Engineering in particular has always assisted the students. It’s because of the department, I was able to visit a university in Germany and get valuable experience. I would like to thank the Department of Placement and Training for striving to provide the students with jobs and always putting their best to bring various kinds of companies for the campus recruitments. Because of all these I was able to get into a company like, Wheels India(TVS). I consider myself lucky to be a part of the Hindustan family.

Bhuma Yaswanth Reddy
B.Tech ( Automobile Engineering)
Placed withWheels India (TVS)as GraduateEngineerTrainee

AshokI had the privilege of studying at HITS and I can honestly say that it was one of the best experiences of my life.Heartfelt gratitude to all the faculty members for providing me with timely guidance and mentoring.

The college has a Department of Placement and Training that was very supportive and encouraging throughout the Interview process.They went above and beyond to help us obtain positions in the companies of our dreams.

The mentors helped me enhance my academic and interpersonal skills. The regular interaction with the Placement team also encouraged me to excel in my interview and developing skills that are required for future use.Thanks to the college and the placement cell's constant help and direction.

Ashok Kumar S
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Placed with Eurofins IT Solutions as Associate Software Developer

JadareddyI am thrilled to recommend Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science to any student seeking a high-quality education. During my time at the college, I was impressed by the outstanding faculty, challenging coursework, and supportive community. The professors were knowledgeable, engaging, and always willing to go above and beyond to help their students succeed. With which I got placed in the much popular company named Tata Technologies, now I have a path to excel in my life with skill learning. Grateful to start a new beginning….

Jadareddy Vishnuvardhan Reddy
B.Tech Aerospace Engineering
Placed with Tata Technologies as Graduate Engineer Trainee

VishnuI express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable education and support that has been provided to me during my time as a student at Hindustan. I am confident that the knowledge and experience gained at Hindustan have prepared me well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I am grateful for the strong foundation that has been provided to me as I begin my professional journey. As a result of this exceptional education and support, I am thrilled to share that I have been offered a job in my desired field, even before my graduation. I am happy to be a part of Hindustan!”

Vishnu Priyan
MCA Cloud Computing
Placed with Trimble as Graduate Technical Intern

WajahatIt gives me immense pleasure that I chose Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science for my B. Tech (CSE) and I am very grateful to everyone right from the faculty to all the staff in the Department of Placement and Training. The professors at the university are some of the most knowledgeable and supportive educators, I have ever had the pleasure of learning from them. Their expertise and passion for their subject matter made me feel engaged and motivated to learn. The University's immeasurable investment in our education has made me a better person and helped me in achieving my lifelong dream goals. I am honored to be a student of HITS which helped me getting placed in BNY Mellon. All the faculty members are really helpful in building the overall character and inducing the practical skills, and they all work together to hone our abilities with their unwavering encouragement. The training offered by the Department of Placement and Training at HITS is quite beneficial, as they induced professionalism in us by taking the Professional and Skill Enhancement Programs. I thank all the faculty members and all the staff in the Training and Placement office for helping me to carve my career.

Wajahat Rafiq
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering)
Placed with BNY Mellon as Production Service Engineer

SamyukthaMany opportunities related to training on technical concepts, aptitude, and soft skills by experts alongside my self-learning ability have enabled me to grab the trainee engineer role at quest global. I would like to thank our NCC officer for letting me gain some basic knowledge and experience real-time flying experience. My teacher’s continuous support played an important role and helped me lot to get placed

P Sai Samyuktha
B.Tech Aeronautical engineering
Placed with Quest Global as Trainee Engineer

Shreya AnandIn numerous aspects, my 4-year period with Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science has been exceptional. The placement division at HITS aided me in obtaining a position in my desired field as a Graduate Engineer trainee at Quest global. The Department of Placement and Training played a significant role in enhancing my abilities and I am grateful to Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science for their support.

Shreya Anand
B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering
Placed with Quest global as Graduate Engineer Trainee

MedikondaI am thrilled to share my experience with Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS), which has been instrumental in helping me secure a job at Wheels India Ltd. The Institution's exceptional academic curriculum, dedicated faculty members, and state-of-the-art facilities have enabled me to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of engineering.

HITS provides a conducive learning environment that encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities, which helped me develop my interpersonal and leadership skills. The Department of Placement and Training at HITS works tirelessly to provide ample job opportunities to its students, and their efforts have been commendable.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, mentors, and the placement cell for their unwavering support and guidance. Thanks to them, I was able to secure a job at Wheels India Ltd, a reputed company in the automotive industry. I highly recommend HITS to anyone seeking quality education and professional success.

Medikonda Sai Teja
B.Tech Automobile Engineering
Placed with Wheels India as Graduate Engineer Trainee

AshneyHindustan Institute of Technology and Science is a place where you can find an amalgamation of learning. I feel great studying at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science as it gives great opportunity as well as support from faculty members and the Department of Placement and Training. Getting placed in Minosha India Ltd is an achievement for me for which I would like to thank my institution

Ashney Sharon S
Master of Business Administration
Placed with Minosha India Limites as Management trainee

Alagu AkashI would like to thank Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science for helping me out for getting me in one of the finest MNC’s (QUEST GLOBAL) in the Aeronautical domain. Special thanks to the Department of Placement and Training for bringing the company and helping me in whole process of interview.

K Alagu Akash
B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering
Placed with Quest Global as Trainee Engineer

KeerthanI am thrilled to write this testimonial in praise of HITS for the exceptional support and guidance you provided to help me secure a job in a reputed company. HITS has been instrumental in providing me with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to take on the challenges of the professional world. The faculty and staff have been incredibly supportive and dedicated in shaping my career and helping me realize my potential. I am truly grateful for the exposure and opportunities provided by Hindustan, which have made me industry-ready and confident in my abilities. Thank you for making a difference in my life and helping me kickstart my career on a positive note.

Keerthan Sai Kamatam
B.Tech Automobile Engineering
Placed with Wheels India as Graduate Engineer Trainee

TejeswarI am grateful for the education I received at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science. My experience at this institution was nothing short of exceptional. The faculty and staff were knowledgeable, supportive, and always willing to go the extra mile to help students succeed.

The resources available at the college, including the library and various academic programs, were top-notch and contributed greatly to my overall academic experience. I also appreciated the diverse range of extracurricular activities and clubs, which provided me with opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and explore my interests beyond the classroom.

I believe that the education and experiences I gained at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science have prepared me well for the next phase of my life. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I acquired will serve me well in my future career endeavors.

Thank you to everyone at Hindustan institute of Technology and Science for providing me with such a wonderful college experience. I am proud to have been a student at this institution and will always cherish the memories and lessons learned during my time there.

Chennuru Tejeswar Reddy
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Placed with Quest Global as Trainee Engineer


Head - Placement

Mob : +91 99447 98031 , +91 92825 25282
Email: placement@hindustanuniv.ac.in
Phone: +91-44-2747 4262, 2747 4395,
Fax: +91-44-2747 4208,
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Padur,
Kelambakam, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 603103.