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Seminars and Symposiums


Each School of the University conducts National and International Level Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums and other important academic events every year. It gives an opportunity for our students to interact with other University students and share their views and technical knowledge.

National workshop on Advances in Aircraft Structural Design

A three-day National Workshop on “Advances in Aircraft Structural Design” was organized by the School of Aeronautical Sciences during 28-30 Aug 2019. The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Dr. KP Isaac, Vice-Chancellor, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS), and inaugurated by Dr. S. Guruprasad, Distinguished Scientist and DG (PC & SI), DRDO, New Delhi. To start with, Dr. Dilip A Shah, Dean (Aero) welcomed the chief guest and participants, Dr. K. Ramajeyathilagam, Convener briefed about the workshop and Fatigue and damage Tolerance Lab, Vice- Chancellor Dr. KP Isaac gave the presidential address, Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director gave a special address. Subsequently Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, Director(IA) introduced the chief guest Dr. S. Guruprasad and the Chief Guest inaugurated the Fatigue and damage Tolerance Lab and the workshop, delivered the inaugural address. Dr. R Asokan, HOD(AERO) gave the vote of thanks at the end. The workshop was attended by 374 participants from various academic institutions from India and HITS. All the expert speakers of the National Workshop on “Advances in Aircraft Structural Design” were taken to SIMCRASH centre and FATIGUE AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE LAB (FDT LAB). The speakers have shown keen interest in the research activities of the SIMCRASH centre.

70th AGM of the AeSI & National Conference on Recent Developments in Aerospace & Defence Technology

70th AGM of the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) and National conference on “Recent Development in Aerospace and Defence Technology” was organized by AeSI at Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (HITS) on 21st and 22nd February 2020. The AGM and the National Conference was inaugurated by the Honorable Governor of Tamil Nadu. Mr. Banwarilal Purohit.

The conference started with guest lectures from the distinguished scientists, academicians, businessmen and top industrial consultants. On 22nd February, scholars and faculties from various institutions presented their research works on a wide range of interdisciplinary and current research topics related to Air Transportation & Airworthiness, Aircraft Structures, Avionics, Propulsion and Systems. The conference was themed to provide a platform for academicians, young researchers and students from different parts of the country to interact with the eminent scientists to get a glimpse of technological needs, advancements and challenges in India’s booming Aerospace sector.


The Centre for CLEAN ENERGY AND NANO CONVERGENCE (CENCON), a research initiative of Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) has organized an International Symposium cum workshop on “Smart Material Meet-2018” on 30th & 31st October 2018 at HITS Padur, Chennai Campus. The theme of the Symposium was “The Smart Future with Innovation in Materials” and the Workshop aimed at inauguration of Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) followed by hands on training on CVD, as HITS has procured the this facility at Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) of CENCON very recently. On 31st October, CENCON has conducted the faculty development program (FDP) on “Project Proposal Submission for Upcoming Calls”.

Objective of the Symposium The International Symposium on “The Smart Future with Innovation in Materials” covered a wide range of interdisciplinary and current research topics related to Smart Materials at their Nano scale. Since, the Smart materials have revolutionized in many areas like Energy production and storage, Memory devices, Automobile, Biomedical applications, Gas sensing and so on by offering natural esthetics coupled with excellent durability and biocompatibility, their innovations in material science have marked the beginning of the Smart future. The primary objectives of this symposium were to facilitate interaction between researchers, eminent scientists, and students working in the fields of development of smart- materials. The symposium aimed at addressing current advances and challenges in energy sector, especially the renewable and clean energy scenario, by providing a platform for distinguished scientists, academicians, young researchers and students from different parts to have productive interactions and discussions.


The two days International Conference on Cognitive IoT with Big Data and Cloud (ICCIBC-2018) was inaugurated on 25/10/2018 at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science campus, Chennai. The ICCIBC 2018 was the most comprehensive conference focused on Cognitive IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing.

The conference was organized by the School of Computing Sciences and MIDARC. MIDARC is Machine Intelligence and Data Analysis Research Centre in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science which caters to the research and incubation of ideas of various research experts. Conference was inaugurated by Dr.Jiankun Hu, University of South Wales, Australia. The guest of honour were Dr. Jeff Foster, Western Sydey Univeristy and Mr.Sunil David, Regional Director – IoT(India and ASEAN Region), AT&T Telecommunications. The Chancellor of the University Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese presided over the function. The event was graced by the Vice Chancellor Dr. K.P.Isaac and Director Mr. Ashok Verghese. The head of the department Dr. Rajeswari Mukesh welcomed the gathering. This conference was conducted by the able guidance of senior professor Dr.K.M.Mehata. Dr. D. John Aravindhar, convener of the conference briefed about the objective of the conference. Dr.Jiankun Hu stated that need for cyber security professionals is on the rise and insisted on need for industries to adopt cyber security standards.


A one-day workshop on Sustainable Solutions for Flood Management to “Climate Resilient Kerala” was attended by more than 200 people including students/research scholars and faculties members. The workshop scheduled on 25 October 2018 was inaugurated by Shri. P. H. Kurian, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, Govt. of Kerala, who detailed the challenges and difficulties that the state of Kerala witnessed and invited suggestions from the experts regarding the existing government policies. Dr. S. Mohan, Professor and Former Head of the Department, Civil Engineering, IIT Madras delivered the key note address on technologies used in foreign countries to control flood and suggested such techniques for certain parts of Kerala. Er. K.H. Shamsudeen, Chief Engineer, IDRB, Kerala detailed the government’s response and recovery operations during and after flood times. Dr. T.I Eldho, Professor, IIT Bombay presented case studies of successful flood management and suggested such measures for real-time forecasting. Dr. Santhosh G. Thampi, Professor, NIT Calicut, elaborated on the integrated Decision Support System while Dr. V.P. Dinesan, CWRDM, Kerala, pointed out the need for preparation of river basin flood model and flood inundation maps. Dr. K.M. Mehata, Senior Professor, HITS and his team presented sensors for flood warning and possible information sharing using cloud computing. In the plenary session the experts discussed dam operations to monitor flood control, real time flood forecasting and the preparations of urban storm water drainage master plan and land use laws to safeguard river banks..


The Annual symposium, Chiaroscuro ’18, on a theme ‘Digital Interventions in Cinematic Architecture’ was conducted by the School of Architecture, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science on the 4th of October 2018 (Thursday). Mr. S. Ravi Varman, a member of the prestigious Indian Society Cinematographers (ICS) and a versatile in the field of movie making was the Chief Guest. Ar. Sam Thomas, CEO and (UX) Director for Neo-interaction Designs, Bangalore was the Guest of Honour.

Dr. Sheeba Chander, Head, Arch, HITS extended a warm welcome to all participants and highlighted the prominence of the role of architecture in cinema. Mr. N. Praveen Subramanian’s introduction about the Symposium’s theme and Ms. Rajalaxmi’s introduction of the Chief Guest followed the welcome address. The symposium’s souvenir Azione, was released by the Chief Guest and he shared his experiences in the field of cinematography and the role that architecture play in Cinema. The Guest of Honour, Ar. Sam Thomas elaborated the multiple sectors that budding architects can excel and explore. In conclusion of the session, a memento was presented to the Chief Guest on behalf of the students and faculty of the department.


School of Aeronautical Sciences and Centre for Defence Technology Studies organized a National Conference on Aerospace Technology 2018. Book of Abstract was released during the inauguration by Dr. N. Muthuveerappan, Outstanding Scientist, GTRE, DRDO.