Specialization in Tourism Management
- Specialization in Tourism Management
About the Course
The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of growth among the services sector in India. Tourism in India has significant potential considering the rich cultural and historical heritage, variety in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty spread across the country.
India’s travel and tourism industry has huge growth potential. Tourism is also a potentially large employment generator besides being a significant source of foreign exchange for the country. The tourism industry is also looking forward to the expansion of E-visa scheme which is expected to double the tourist inflow to India. International hotel chains are increasing their presence in the country and shall generate demand for trained professionals.
To provide managerial talent for this growing sector, the specialization in Tourism management is carefully designed to prepare the students with general and specialist classes with hands-on-training, making them industry ready.
Career opportunities
Primary opportunities are available in the hotel sector in the areas of guest and banquet management, marketing and sales. Apart from hotels, opportunities are also available in leading super-specialty hospitals that are in need of professional hospitality managers. There are also instances of retail industry welcoming hospitality managers. Other industries that provide employment opportunities include tourism, airlines, cruise lines etc. Good domestic experience shall also open gates for an international career.
Duration : 2 Years